Here we go! I have been blessed to dance with Andrey Gergel, owner of International Ballroom Dance Studio.
So far, we are running through basic rumba, waltz, shag and swing steps. There are more to choose from and so little time to decide! As a huge fan of Dancing with the Stars, I’m still pinching myself that the Charleston Chapter of the American Lung Association has offered me and my husband a chance to raise money for those who are hindered by various lung disabilities via our
And it stays local… like us.
Each time Andrey introduces me around the studio, he always prefaces it by asking, “Do you know my celebrity, Kat Varn?”
It always makes me giggle and ask myself, Celebrity? Of what? I’m just Kat. I wasn’t born with a silver spoon in my mouth– more of a blue-collar legacy. I can’t label myself in that I feel as if I have lived many lifetimes in my short 60 years. For me, Andrey is the celebrity.
So, not only do I get the joy of dancing with someone like Andrey whose body and passion for dancing will be a wonderful help — I can give back with help from friends and businesses.
I’m so excited
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Visit to learn more (sponsorships also available).

You’re lookin’ spectacular, Kathleen. Break a leg!
Had a double lesson today and starting to ‘get’ Andrey’s leads. Hope I get out of my head and just have fun with it!!
You You You are going to have to teach me some dance tips! Great job and looking beautiful!
Andrey makes me do things as if I’ve been doing them for months. He is amazing and shaving off my jitters through every lesson. Love some votes from y’all! Only $10 a vote! See you soon.
A “Star” is born!
Andrey is sculpting and molding in his amazing style. I hope people realize what a great cause this is for those who are suffering with breathing issues.
This makes me so so happy! Good for you to dance with a pro!
Andrey Gergel with International Dance Studio and supporting the local chapter of the American Lung Association was truly amazing but teeth chattering. We raised over $61,000 in donations and I was totally surprised that we the humble Charleston Varn family took it. I am a very unexperienced and very spotlight shy person. You bless me with your endorsement. Dancing with the Stars!