Another serendipity moment. I’m cutting my teeth for a book appearance revealing Ameera Unveiled at an iconic bookstore in San Francisco, CA —– Green Apple Bookstore. I hope when it the clock strikes midnight, I lose my glass slipper and my coach turns back into a pumpkin!

And….!? How’d it go!?
I was pleasantly surprised by the attendance of an old scuba friend, Mona and a BQB author, Tamika. It was a really cute room and I was very comfortable with the questions from the room. I made some new friends, Mindy and Lee. It was great to travel with Robby and Suzanne– easy mates.
Tamika, you really made my night by making the effort to attend. Your smiling face really took a lot of my edge off and I’m glad I appeared well prepared– look forward to your book release!